State-Adopted Instructional Materials

Materials adopted by the State Board of Education can be ordered through the EMAT system with funds from a district’s Instructional Materials and Technology Allotment.Ìý

EMAT closesÌýfor system and product updates once per year, usually during April, and reopens in May so districts can begin placing orders for the next school year.

Before ordering materials through EMAT, district staff must complete EMAT training to obtain a login. The training provides more details about the ordering process, including requisitions and disbursements.

When EMAT reopens for each school year, every district must complete a set of prerequisites:

  • Complete the Allotment and TEKS Certification process.
  • Select summer ship dates.
  • Review and update contacts and addresses.

How to Order State-Adopted Materials

Once all prerequisites have been met, log in to EMAT for the current list of state-adopted materials and to find multiple list codes (which allow users to search by subject and grade level). Visit the Proclamations page to view upcoming materials eligible for adoption.

Ordering Accessible Materials
State-adopted accessible instructional materials, including braille, large-print, audio, and digital, are provided free of charge to eligible students and also can be ordered through EMAT.

Quality Reviews
provides detailed, independent quality reviews of instructional materials to help districts make informed decisions.

TEKS Certification Process


In accordance withÌýÌýlocal educational agencies (LEAs) are required to certify annually to the State Board of Education (SBOE) and the commissioner that students have access to instructional materials covering all Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for all required subjects, except physical education.ÌýÌý

Additionally, LEAs are required to certify that they protect against access to obscene or harmful content in compliance with the requirements for certification under the (i) the Children's Internet Protection Act (Pub. L. No. 106-554); (ii) SectionÌý; (iii) SectionÌý,ÌýPenal Code; and (iv) any other law or regulation that protects students from obscene or harmful content. The Certification 2024–25 Survey includes a section to allow LEAs to certify they meet this requirement.

Required Action

This year’s Certification Process requires:

  • The completion of the Certification 2024–25 Form,
  • Ratification by the LEA’s board of trustees or governing body in an open, public-noticed meeting; andÌý
  • Submission of the Certification 2024–25 Survey and upload of the ratified Certification 2024–25 Form.Ìý

TEA recommends that LEAs complete these steps byÌýMay 1, 2024. The state online instructional materials ordering system, EMAT, will close for annual maintenance on March 29, 2024, and is scheduled to reopen on May 13, 2024.ÌýCompletion of the Certification Process is required to regain access to allotment funds when EMAT reopens in May of 2024.

Certification 2024–25 Survey submissions received after May 13, 2024, will typically be processed within five business days, then access to EMAT provided.

Instructions to Complete the Certification Process for 2024–25Ìý

  1. Review the Certification 2024–25 Form: Print the fillable.
  2. Gather information:ÌýThe formÌýmay require consultation with content area leads or other LEA staff.Ìý
  3. Complete Certification 2024–25 Form: Complete the Certification 2024–25 Form by hand or digitally.Ìý
  4. Obtain needed signatures: Ratify theÌýCertification 2024–25 FormÌýby the LEA’s board of trustees or governing body in an upcoming, open board meeting.Ìý
  5. Submit Certification 2024–25 Survey: Complete the by answering the questions. Inside the survey, you will upload the signature page from the Certification 2024–25 form, with this final page ratified from Step 4.

ÌýAdditional Supports


Emergency Assistance Ìý

Districts affected by a natural disaster can create a needs list in EMAT to inform potential donors of specific needs. Visit the Instructional Materials Emergency Assistance page for videos and detailed instructions.ÌýDistricts and other entities that wish to donate materials can do so within EMAT or by .